Portada » trademarks


World Intellectual Property Day: Why Is It Important?

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April 26 is celebrated every year as World Intellectual Property Day, a day to appreciate the importance of intellectual creations generated by human beings. The significance of intellectual property arises from various reasons, including economic, legal, social, and cultural. Here are some crucial reasons:

Protecting Intellectual Property: A Fundamental Pillar in the Footwear Industry

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In the dynamic footwear industry, where creativity and innovation are commonplace, the protection of intellectual property emerges as an essential pillar. This safeguard encompasses patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and its preservation becomes critical to preserving the ingenuity of designers and manufacturers, ensuring that unique creations can flourish and thrive in an increasingly competitive market.

El costo de no registrar tu marca

The cost of not registering your trademark

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Trademark registration is an essential step to protect a company’s identity and reputation in the market. Failing to complete this process can expose the company to various risks and adverse consequences that can affect its long-term success. Below, we will explore the risks a company faces when not registering its trademark.

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