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Intellectual property,

Innovation and Competition

We protect the most valuable of your company with personalized strategies.

+18 years of experience

Defense of your

intangible assets

We take care of protecting and defending your inventions and distinctive signs.

Trademarks, patents and copyrights

Innovation and

Technological Transfer

The needs demand innovative solutions at an ever increasing speed.

Strategy for decision making


With international recognition since 2018


We advise in the following sectors




















Memberships and Recognition

Members of the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI) and present in the Patent Committee of said institution.

The only legal firm that has a strategic alliance with the National Association of Inventors of Peru (ASONIP) in Peru.

Members of the International Trademark Association (INTA), an organization that brings together the best intellectual property law firms in the world.

Our clients

What Our Clients Say

Our Process

Explore the step by step of how we work


It involves the initial evaluation of the legal status of your intellectual property. We identify your intellectual assets, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and assess their current status, strengths, and weaknesses.


It is the comprehensive plan designed to protect and maximize the value of your intellectual property assets. This includes registration planning, litigation management, and the identification of strategic opportunities for your intellectual property.


It refers to the implementation of the defined strategy. We carry out the necessary actions, such as filing patent applications, trademark registrations, or licensing agreements, to protect and enforce your intellectual property rights.


It is an ongoing process to ensure that your intellectual property rights are maintained and protected over time. This involves monitoring potential infringements and taking legal action when necessary to safeguard your intellectual assets.


Frequent Questions

Why hire a property attorney?

Why is it important to hire an intellectual property lawyer or consultant?

Hiring an intellectual property lawyer or consultant is critical to effectively protecting and managing your company's intangible assets, such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets. These professionals have the legal knowledge necessary to ensure that your intellectual property rights are protected and not violated.

What are the advantages of having an intellectual property lawyer or consultant in infringement cases?

An intellectual property lawyer or consultant can help you identify infringements of your intellectual property rights and take the appropriate legal action. This may include sending cease and desist letters, requesting injunctive relief, filing legal action, and seeking out-of-court settlements. Their legal experience gives you an advantage in defending your rights.

How can a lawyer or intellectual property consultant help in the search and registration of trademarks and patents?

These professionals can perform extensive searches of existing trademarks and patents to ensure that your creation is unique and registrable. In addition, they can guide the registration application process and represent you before the intellectual property office, increasing your chances of obtaining the desired protection.

How can intellectual property lawyers or consultants help startups and start-ups?

For startups and emerging companies, intellectual property is often one of their most valuable assets. An intellectual property attorney or consultant can help identify, protect and properly manage these assets from the beginning, which can be crucial to long-term success and attracting investors.

Why is it more efficient and secure to have an intellectual property professional instead of trying to handle it yourself?

Intellectual property is a complex and highly specialized field where a small mistake can have costly consequences. Hiring an intellectual property professional saves time and money in the long run, as they can efficiently avoid legal hassles and maximize the value of your intangible assets.

In what emergency or crisis situations can a lawyer or intellectual property consultant be of great help?

In crisis situations, such as flagrant infringement of your intellectual property rights or the threat of lawsuits, an intellectual property attorney or consultant can act quickly to protect your interests and seek effective legal solutions, which can be crucial to avoiding significant damage. to your business.

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